Thursday, January 5, 2012

Things that make me go hmmm...

Being a diary-keeping-kinda girl, it may come as no surprise that I gravitate towards true stories - old and new. Articles, books, short stories or photographs - I love it all.  I love to learn from other people's journey's, no matter where they've been or what they've experienced.  Some part of me wants grow from it, or at the very least, lend an ear.

So while story-listening is somewhat of an obsession of mine, I can't help but have favorites.  And it isn't glamorous.  I'm not in love with stories about puppies (even though I do) or courageous acts selflessness (also cool).  Nope.  Those are not my fave. I love... <drumroll please>....LOVE learning from people who have experienced any sort of mental disorder.  I guess I just want to know what's out there.  What our minds are capable of.

So...without further ado, here is an article on something I have never heard of before:

Orthorexia -  It's an obsession with only allowing the healthiest of foods to enter your system.  Like most disorders, it only gets bad when taken to the extreme.

Have a read:

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