Yesterday was great. Jeff and I went golfing with friends (I've never been) and food shopping for BBQ essentials before barbequing back at our house. It was the relaxing Sunday that I needed before starting at a new job on Monday morning. Technically, since I'm freelance, I'm always starting new jobs...but this one was different. More advertise-y than television-y. More scary. (Scarier?)
Whilst sitting out on our deck, I basked in the sun and enjoyed our company before speaking these fated words:
"I never get sick."
"I never get sick."
It was true. I really don't ever get sick. Even when I worked in an office everyday, I didn't catch the bugs floating around or even acquire the occasional runny nose. It has probably been 4 years since the last time I was actually under the weather. How lucky.
An hour after our friends left, Jeff started to complain that he felt too full. We had eaten A LOT so this wasn't at all weird. Then, around 10pm he called it a night. We turned off Mad Men, peeled ourselves off the couch, and walked toward the kitchen to shut down shop. Well, before I could even look behind me, Jeff veered off into the bathroom and started to vomit. Loudly (Ew, boy vomit!).
He must've had too much of...something. Obviously.
He must've had too much of...something. Obviously.
Two hours after falling asleep, I was woken up with a pain in my stomach. Then in my throat. I was nauseous, my stomach felt full and acid-y, my body ached and I couldn't get to the bathroom quick enough to revisit our bbq extravaganza. I was sick...with a stomach bug.
This is the first time in my life that I've had to call out of a job BEFORE my first day. Talk about a nightmare for someone with anxiety. What if they think I'm faking it?! Will I ever be okay again? I kept having flashbacks to calling out of school "sick" and nobody believing me (because I was lying). Guilt, anxiety and a stomach bug. That's me.
Being sick sucks. But I think the real moral of the story is: never say never.
On the plus side, this picture of Remy from last summer makes me happy. So at least there's that.