Monday, May 21, 2012

Puke on a Train.

It's like snakes on a plane, but worse.

This morning, puking on a train almost became my reality.  Not enough sleep, work stress, wine the night before and anxiety are known to be a deadly combo for me.  Thankfully, I didn't ALSO have coffee...because that would have thrown me over the edge.

As long as I'm on the move, things seem to be okay.  Getting ready, rushing around the house, walking Remy, running to the train problem.  It isn't until I STOP, sit down and stare out the train window for a few minutes that my stomach begins to churn and I feel sick.  Then, I panic.  Panicking makes me breathe all crazy while my stomach coats with acid and a lump forms in my throat.  Then, the the lump grows and grows until I am nearly certain that revisiting my breakfast will be the next stop on this train.    All I can think is: Am I really going to throw up?  How quickly can I get to the bathroom?  Do I just throw up in my computer bag, all over my stuff?


Every option sounds terrible and I inevitably decide that I can't throw up.  Logistically, it just can't happen.  But, my mind is already racing and thinking is the one thing you don't want to do at a time like this. I know this, but it's SO hard.  It's actually impossible.  AND that's why I woke the guy up next to me and ran for the bathroom. 

Turns out I didn't get sick, but I did:

a) look crazy
b) feel better standing until my arrival

No more wine for this girl...


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