Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Turning 30.

Tomorrow, I turn 30. 


Growing up, I always used to think that 24 was going to be my BEST age EVER (possibly (definitely) from lack of creativity since my birthday IS on the 24th) but now thinking back on that, I can't help but laugh.  That was SIX years ago. Six! Of course one year cannot define a person.  Yes, it was fun to look forward to and it was kind of amazing. I didn't have any wrinkles, fine lines or sun spots, I wasn't worried about the people I love getting old.  I was just starting out in my career, living carefree in NYC. Oh and did I mention meeting my husband mere weeks after landing a dream job? 

But, as I look back...nothing stopped there. Things didn't get bad or worse.  Yes, I started to see all of the unpleasant things that have to do with aging and all that it entails, but everything else continued on a pleasant path.  And things that weren't so great...well, I tend to overlook those. 

On the one hand, I'm scared of getting older.  I remember being sixteen and writing in my diary, "these are the best days of my life."  Did I believe it even as I wrote it?  No. I just knew they were supposed to be.  I wanted to acknowledge it and never miss a thing. I wanted to feel sixteen while I was sixteen instead of just looking back with fondness. 

So I guess all that I can do is acknowledge this entry into a new decade. Feel it. Enjoy it. I can only plan out so much of life. I can plan to do a cross country road trip, to be the best at my job, to have AS much fun as possible every day but I can't plan it all.  And that...has taken YEARS to learn.

Lucky for me, I have amazing friends and family to enjoy this time with. Here is a sneak peek at my 30th birthday bash, thrown at Art Bar in the West Village.  In a town where living rooms fit for a party are scarce, their back room is a hot commodity.
Boom. 30.

My beautiful sister!

Highschool girls


50% Dr. Phil...50% Bon Jovi concert.

The night was filled with amazing poses.

How cool are my cake glasses?!

3 perfect staches.

Here is a picture from my birthday dinner at Gnocco in the east village. GREAT gnocchi and great atmosphere.  If not for my insane heartburn...this would have been the perfect birthday meal:)

Onto the next...

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