Friday, June 1, 2012

Good Commute vs. Bad Commute

Today, I have experienced 2 insanely opposite commutes.

The first:

I sat next to a young mom and her child on the train.  For most of the ride, the little boy (about 3ish) sat on her lap and pointed out the window saying, "look at the choo choo train, that's a choo choo train, we're on a choo choo train," until it switched to "look at the wawderr, that's wawderr, look at the wawderr," UNTIL it then switched to the lightest little singing voice ever...UNTIL he feel asleep while his mom hugged him.  Honestly, I didn't know whether to cry or fall asleep in a little cocoon of happiness myself.  It was adorable.

The second:

I'm standing on the 6 train as we approach Times Square, 42nd street.  Two girls, nicely dressed, (does that matter? possibly) start pushing eachother as they exit the train.  They are sisters or something similar.  I assume this because I don't think I'd touch anyone other than my sister (10 years ago) in this way.  These girls are laughing and playing around, but taking it too far as the girl exiting first falls into the woman in front of her and apologizes.  Yet, they don't stop.  They keep pushing/hitting eachother as they shuffle off the train.  It isn't really that crazy.  Normally, they would just walk off and all would be forgotten.  Except that today a suited, gel-haired, business guy in his mid-twenties decides to get involved by throwing his hand flat against the back of the girl before him and proceeds to PUSH HER OFF OF THE TRAIN! Might I add...HARD.  It wasn't some light shove. No. He really went for it.

First thing that flashed through my mind: they must know eachother. 
Second thing: A non-homeless/crazy man shoved a woman?! Did anyone else see that?!

As the girl falls forward into the people in front of her, she turns around and screams, "Who do you think you're pushing?!" 

AND THEN, they start fighting!!!! A GUY AND A GIRL! He pushed her again (as if she was some obnoxious gnat in his way) and she totally whaled him.  The train pulled away and I literally couldn't believe what I had witnessed.  I've never seen a guy touch a girl in an aggressive manner before. It was like seeing a dog wearing rollerblades, but disturbing! What a completely unstereotypical commute. 

Yuck for not respecting personal space and yay for baby voices singing about water and choo choo trains!


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