Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I hate flying!

Would one rather two feet on land or suspended in air (by way of a magical metal box called an airplane) when a sudden solar flair strikes?  Well...WHICH ONE?!  Why didn't they teach me this in school?  Why didn't I know about this before I booked my flight?  Why is the below article so difficult to understand?

If I've confused you thus far, I apologize.  It's just that there's a solar flair-a-comin and I'm freaking out!!!

Tomorrow morning, I leave for Arizona on a flight that is surely going to scare the living daylights out of me and I have no clue which direction Mother Earth and Sister Sun want me to run in.  Whatever it is, I'll do it.  Just tell me.  Please. Pretty please. I'm terrible with (loss of control) stuff like this. 

First, I decide to take a flight that leaves before alcohol can be served at the airport and now I'm dealing with a testy planet. Wah.

EDITED TO ADD:  I probably won't die.  It says that plane routes are mostly effected near the polar regions.  NJ to AZ = not that. Yay for living. 

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