Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Homemade Hair Care: Deep Treatment

So, my hair is dead.

A hairdresser a few weeks ago actually held up the bulk of it into a loooong ponytail and exclaimed, "ALL of this hair is DEAD! You need to cut it all off!"

Not gonna happen.

If it is true that ALL of my hair from my ears down is dead, I will have to find another way...I was never cute with a bob.


Normally, I blow dry my hair once a week, wash it 7 times a week, and barely brush it or dye it.  This is why I know my hair is just brittle and thin and probably isn't meant to be long. I don't care. I like long hair. (My mothers hair, aka the ultimate "mom" haircut above may have scarred me)

That is why this morning, I did this:

3 eggs
2 tbsp olive oil (or safflower oil)
1 tps vinegar (I used the clear one)

Mix together, apply it to your tresses, cover with a plastic cap (or plastic wrap), and leave it on for 30 minutes. You will look awesome.

Then shampoo as usual.

Okay, I just got out of the shower and my hair kinda feels the same. Wah.  I'll update if anything unexpectedly glamorous happens. Stick around...

UPDATE: I brushed before going to bed and my hair feels a lot better.  This stuff definitely works well as a deep treatment. Highly recommend.  

Day 2: My hair feels even smoother today! I think this stuff made a huge difference! Love it!  


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